Monday, March 24, 2008

Me and the shape of energy

i think our new album should be called "the shape of energy". The concept is that energy can neither be destroyed or created, only the shape of energy can be destroyed. It is about music and energy relating in cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Everything dies and then comes back in a new form and shape, we are going to reference old soul, country, pop, and old indie rock (and oh yes old indie rock exists try cap n'jazz motherfuckers). "the shape of energy" is the collision of references and rebirth of music into our selves to revive a new enery all together.

and here is some old art.


websites said...

i think you are full of crap

Brent, Treasure and Adam said...

I love the contrast that exists between you and isaac, but seriously, yeah, sure, you da artist. by the way, isaac was gonna call you about ordering shirts yesterday but he didn't feel like getting into an argument... so... I don't know the significance of me telling you that... boobs.